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المزيد من المعلومات
2006-11-1 The reductive decomposition of a stibnite (Sb 2 S 3) flotation concentrate using elemental iron was investigated in hydrochloric acid. The leaching process which proceeded via both reductive and non-oxidative chemical decomposition reactions achieved desulphurisation in excess of 95% to produce elemental and dissolved antimony species, ferrous ions and hydrogen sulphide gas.
Read More2017-1-12 Stibnite, also called as antimonite, is a major source of antimony which is in fact its sulphide mineral (Sb 2S 3). It occurs enormously as veins mainly associated with quartz and other antimony minerals like antimony oxide, formed by the decomposition of stibnite. The abundant deposits of stibnite are found in Kha-
Read More2003-10-24 A synthesis of novel crystalline stibnite (Sb 2 S 3) submicrometer-sized rod bundles of straw has been investigated using a wet chemical method via thermal decomposition of an antimony(III) diethyldithiocarbamate complex in ethylene glycol under mild conditions. By carefully controlling the experimental parameters, such as precursor concentration, temperature, and time, flowerlike bunches
Read More2021-2-1 The ε'' of Sb 2 S 3 embodies a peak at 550 °C due to the phase transformation at the melting point. However, the stibnite concentrate shows similar peak at around 600 °C as a result of the complex composition. With the increase of temperature, the values of stibnite concentrate and Sb 2 S 3 keep nearly stable from 700 °C to 850 °C. Thereafter, it is found to decrease sharply as a result of the decomposition.
Read More2021-3-12 A simple single-source precursor to stibnite (Sb2S3) synthesized from SbCl3 and thiourea in methanol was characterized. The thermal decomposition of the precursor in polar solvents resulted in the formation of one-dimensional Sb2S3 nanocrystallites with the growth direction along the c axis.
Read MoreStibnite, also called as antimonite, is a major source of antimony which is in fact its sulphide mineral (Sb 2 S 3). It occurs enormously as veins mainly associated with quartz and other antimony minerals like antimony oxide, formed by the decomposition of stibnite.
Read More2017-2-8 Antimony and arsenic are impurities in copper concentrates found normally as stibnite (Sb 2 S 3), tetrahedrite (Cu 12 Sb 4 S 13) and enargite (Cu 3 AsS 4). When copper concentrates contain appreciable amounts of As and Sb, they must be removed before smelting to
Read More2012-9-11 plays an important role in the formation of these Sb 2S 3 nanorods. The experimental resultsshow that the sonochemical formation of stibnite nanorods can be divided into four steps in sequence: (1) ultrasound-induced decomposition of the precursor, which leads to the formation of amorphous Sb 2S 3 nanospheres; (2) ultrasound-induced crystallization
Read More2014-4-2 S2-ions of the stibnite are basically exchanged with O2- from the calcium oxide to form antimony trioxide. The following step, reaction (2) is the reduction of the formed antimony trioxide with carbon. The overall reaction proposed by Igiehon et al. [15] for the Sb 2 S 3 reduction with carbon and CaO was as follows: Sb 2 S 3 (s) + 3CaO(s) + 3C(gr) →
Read MoreStibnite is a sulfide minerals with chemical composition is antimony sulfide ... Antimony trisulfide, Sb2S3. Sb = 71.4 percent, S = 28.6 percent. May carry small amounts of gold, silver, iron, lead, copper ... Associated with other antimony minerals, as the products of its decomposition, and with galena, cinnabar, sphalerite, barite, realgar ...
Read More2017-11-9 Stibnite (Sb 2 S 3) semiconducting material was successfully synthesized by a rapid and facile microwave route using antimony chloride (SbCl 3) and sodiumthiosulfate (Na 2 S 2 O 3) dissolved in propylene glycol (PG) containing different hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) masses.The phase identification, morphology, and elemental composition of products were characterized by X-ray
Read More2019-12-21 plays an important role in the formation of these Sb 2S 3 nanorods. The experimental results show that the sonochemical formation of stibnite nanorods can be divided into four steps in sequence: (1) ultrasound-induced decomposition of the precursor, which leads to the formation of amorphous Sb 2S 3 nanospheres; (2) ultrasound-induced ...
Read MoreRegular stibnite (Sb(2)S(3)) nanorods with diameters of 20-40 nm and lengths of 220-350 nm have been successfully synthesized by a sonochemical method under ambient air from an ethanolic solution containing antimony trichloride and thioacetamide.
Read MoreVolatilization of Stibnite in Nitrogen Atmosphere. Preliminary volatilization experiments were conducted in the horizontal reactor using 500 mg of the Sb 2 S 3 sample placed in a small quartz boat at 973 K and 1023 K (700 °C and 750 °C) under a slow flow (0.4 l/min) of nitrogen. After 120 minutes of volatilization time, the furnace was turned off, and the system was flushed by increasing the ...
Read More2017-11-9 the photocatalysis of Sb 2S 3 nanowires was investigated for the degradation of MO [21]; SnS microstructure was used for the photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B (RhB) under sunlight [22]. Herein, semiconducting photocatalysts of main group metal chalcogenide A 2X 3 (A = As, Sb, Bi; X = S, Se, Te), such as Sb 2S 3 or stibnite, have been ...
Read MoreThe detailed morphology and crystal structure of the G/Sb 2 S 3 composites and stibnite mineral were observed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). As observed in Fig. 3a and b, the stibnite mineral has indistinctive morphology and uneven particle size.As observed from Fig. 3c–f, the small stibnite ore particles are uniformly decorated on the ...
Read More2017-1-12 Antimony, Stibnite, Extraction, Recovery Yield 1. Introduction Stibnite, also called as antimonite, is a major source of antimony which is in fact its sulphide mineral (Sb 2S 3). It occurs enormously as veins mainly associated with quartz and other antimony minerals like antimony oxide, formed by the decomposition of stibnite.
Read More2015-12-27 leaching agents can be used to solubilise Sb from stibnite ores (Sb2S3): mixture of hydrochloric and tartaric acids, mixture of nitric and tartaric acid and hot concentrated sulphuric acid (Havlik et al., 1991; Ubaldini et al., 2000b). Stibnite can be leached by alkaline solutions of Na2S and NaOH (Ubaldini et al., 2000b).
Read MoreStibnite, also called as antimonite, is a major source of antimony which is in fact its sulphide mineral (Sb 2 S 3). It occurs enormously as veins mainly associated with quartz and other antimony minerals like antimony oxide, formed by the decomposition of stibnite.
Read More2017-11-9 Stibnite (Sb 2 S 3) semiconducting material was successfully synthesized by a rapid and facile microwave route using antimony chloride (SbCl 3) and sodiumthiosulfate (Na 2 S 2 O 3) dissolved in propylene glycol (PG) containing different hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) masses.The phase identification, morphology, and elemental composition of products were characterized by X-ray
Read MoreA synthesis of novel crystalline stibnite (Sb(2)S(3)) submicrometer-sized rod bundles of straw has been investigated using a wet chemical method via thermal decomposition of an antimony(III) diethyldithiocarbamate complex in ethylene glycol under mild conditions. By carefully controlling the experimental parameters, such as precursor concentration, temperature, and time, flowerlike bunches
Read MoreA synthesis of novel crystalline stibnite (Sb(2)S(3)) submicrometer-sized rod bundles of straw has been investigated using a wet chemical method via thermal decomposition of an antimony(III) diethyldithiocarbamate complex in ethylene glycol under mild conditions.
Read MoreThis outcome indicates that at high temperatures, decomposition of Sb 2 S 3 to Sb and sulfur occurred parallel to the volatilization of Sb 2 S 3 . Thus, the volatilization of stibnite at temperatures above 1223 K (950°C) occurs through the production of antimony metal, which clearly volatilizes at a much smaller rate than stibnite because of a ...
Read More2017-11-9 the photocatalysis of Sb 2S 3 nanowires was investigated for the degradation of MO [21]; SnS microstructure was used for the photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B (RhB) under sunlight [22]. Herein, semiconducting photocatalysts of main group metal chalcogenide A 2X 3 (A = As, Sb, Bi; X = S, Se, Te), such as Sb 2S 3 or stibnite, have been ...
Read More2017-1-12 Antimony, Stibnite, Extraction, Recovery Yield 1. Introduction Stibnite, also called as antimonite, is a major source of antimony which is in fact its sulphide mineral (Sb 2S 3). It occurs enormously as veins mainly associated with quartz and other antimony minerals like antimony oxide, formed by the decomposition of stibnite.
Read MoreRegular stibnite (Sb(2)S(3)) nanorods with diameters of 20-40 nm and lengths of 220-350 nm have been successfully synthesized by a sonochemical method under ambient air from an ethanolic solution containing antimony trichloride and thioacetamide. The as-prepared Sb(2)S(3) nanorods are characterized by employing techniques including X-ray powder diffraction, X-ray photoelectron
Read More2014-4-2 S2-ions of the stibnite are basically exchanged with O2- from the calcium oxide to form antimony trioxide. The following step, reaction (2) is the reduction of the formed antimony trioxide with carbon. The overall reaction proposed by Igiehon et al. [15] for the Sb 2 S 3 reduction with carbon and CaO was as follows: Sb 2 S 3 (s) + 3CaO(s) + 3C ...
Read More2017-1-16 A rapid and simple process has been developed for the recovery of antimony metal from stibnite ore of Kharan area (Balochistan) of Pakistan. The ore was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique and found to contain 66% stibnite i.e. antimony sulfide (Sb2S3). The process parameters for the extraction of antimony were optimized on laboratory scale by varying reaction
Read More2019-1-21 S. Scanning rate 1.0 mV/s, c oncentration of Na. 2. S 100 g/dm³, concentration of NaOH 10 g/dm³, and t emperature 353.15 K . In order to study the rule of oxidation decomposition of sodium sulfide during the antimony leaching process, the anode polarization plot of sodium sulfide in the solution was measured. In the
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