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Gold Mining Activities And Land Based Livelihoods Questionnaires THE IMPACT OF LARGE-SCALE MINING ON THE LIVELIHOODS OF ... 2.3 Large-Scale Mining Activities and the Livelihoods of Local Communities ... water resources and displacing people from their fertile lands to allow mining operations.
Read MoreHome > gold mining activities and land based livelihoods questionnaires. gold mining activities and land based livelihoods questionnaires. Haiti Livelihood Questionnaire - PDF ... The survey findings based on questionnaires show that the level of interviewees satisfaction with life is relatively .
Read More2002-3-26 land degradation, open pits which pose animal traps and health hazards, and mercury pollution, dust and noise pollution. A large proportion of artisanal miners are unaware of the laws governing mining activities and the environment. The main objective of this study is to understand how artisanal gold mining in the Ngoyla-Mintom Forest
Read More2015-2-3 Capability Approach, this study is based on the notion that gold mining can enhance or retard community development in Ghana, given the capabilities or otherwise of the inhabitants of the minig areas. A well developed and improved gold mining sector has the potential of becoming a major growth centre with its attendant benefits for Ghana.
Read More2011-3-18 Land use conflicts are becoming increasingly apparent from local to global scales. Surface gold mining is an extreme source of such a conflict, but mining impacts on local livelihoods often remain unclear. Our goal here was to assess land cover change due to gold surface mining in Western Ghana, one of the world’s leading gold mining regions, and to study how these changes affected land use ...
Read More2019-1-1 The intertwining of farming and mining activities was only limited to seasonal switching between livelihoods; the same land used for mining was often also used for farming at different times of the year. Some respondents reported that mining activities in their farming fields turned over the soil ready for planting the next crop.
Read More2017-11-14 ARTISANAL AND SMALL-SCALE GOLD MINING AND HEALTH VI Foreword Millions of people in the developing world depend on artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) for their livelihoods. This wealth, however, can come at a price. ASGM has many associated environmental and occupational health issues, particularly when
Read More2016-1-1 However, forty-six (76.7%) of our study respondents indicated that the inception of mining activities within the reserve, has brought negative effects on their livelihoods ().Of these, the majority (31) indicated destruction of cocoa farms and water pollution as a challenge faced by community members.
Read MoreGold Mining Activities And Land Based Livelihoods Questionnaires THE IMPACT OF LARGE-SCALE MINING ON THE LIVELIHOODS OF ... 2.3 Large-Scale Mining Activities and the Livelihoods of Local Communities ... water resources and displacing people from their fertile lands to allow mining operations.
Read More2020-7-21 based livelihoods, nature-uses and mining We have studied opinions of local people, leisure time real estate owners, tourists, reindeer herders and other relevant stakeholders concerning reconciliation Focus on Hannukainen iron-ore mine and Kittilä gold
Read MoreHome > gold mining activities and land based livelihoods questionnaires. gold mining activities and land based livelihoods questionnaires. Haiti Livelihood Questionnaire - PDF ... The survey findings based on questionnaires show that the level of interviewees satisfaction with life is relatively .
Read More2020-8-21 The study determines the effects of mining on rural livelihoods, adopted strategies and the role of stakeholder and regulatory institutions. The study achieves this by investigating the status of key rural livelihood indicators, what influence the choice of livelihood strategies in mining communities and the assessment of institutional performance.
Read More2016-1-12 To offer understanding of the relationship between mining activities and livelihoods, the sustainable livelihood approach (SLA) with DFID’s sustainable livelihood framework (SLF) was adopted to guide the study. Many livelihood studies have adopted and applied the SLF approach giving grounds for development studies, thinking, and research .
Read More2016-8-2 Today, mining is regulated by the Minerals and Mining Law (PNDCL Law 153), as amended by the Minerals and Mining (Amendment Act), 1994, Act 475, in which provisions are made for small-scale mining activities. The country’s small-scale mining landscape is diverse, as indicated by Aryee (2003). Whilst gold extraction is
Read More2020-12-1 2020-12-1 The results from this study highlight that the loss of access to land, in this case due to mining, has substantial negative long-term implications for local livelihoods in rural communal land areas of South Africa, as communities are still heavily reliant on small-scale agriculture and use of natural resources (Shackleton et al., 2001).
Read More2019-10-1 2019-10-1 Mining activities in Ghana have thus become both a source of dispossession of host communities from their land and a source of livelihood (Cuba et al., 2014). The state – through laws such as the Mineral and Mining Law (PNDCL 153) of 1986, which appropriates all minerals to the Government of Ghana on behalf of the people – is perceived as ...
Read More2016-1-11 from their traditional agro-based livelihoods. Subsequently, with the introduction of mining projects, the network ties among the mining affected mass is getting disturbed and the traditional base of structural aspect has lost its significance. Results also
Read More2016-9-6 Msc Development Sudies Dissertation 1. SMALL SCALE GOLD MINING AND LIVELIHOODS, A CASE OF GWANDA DISTRICT, ZIMBABWE. By NHLANHLA MLILO N0124877B Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Masters in Development Studies To the Institute of Development Studies At the NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,
Read More2016-1-12 To offer understanding of the relationship between mining activities and livelihoods, the sustainable livelihood approach (SLA) with DFID’s sustainable livelihood framework (SLF) was adopted to guide the study. Many livelihood studies have adopted and applied the SLF approach giving grounds for development studies, thinking, and research .
Read More2017-1-7 Read "Artisanal gold mining’s impact on local livelihoods and the mining industry in Ivory Coast, World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development" on DeepDyve, the largest online rental service for scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at
Read More2016-8-2 Today, mining is regulated by the Minerals and Mining Law (PNDCL Law 153), as amended by the Minerals and Mining (Amendment Act), 1994, Act 475, in which provisions are made for small-scale mining activities. The country’s small-scale mining landscape is diverse, as indicated by Aryee (2003). Whilst gold extraction is
Read More2015-2-27 gold mines, annual gold productionwas 10- 12 tons, and there were more than 40 gold mining companies working in the Zaamar area where approximately 9000 hectares of fertile land is suffering from the impacts of gold mining activities. As of today more than 60 tons of gold is exploited in this area and paid to the State bank and Treasury fund.
Read MoreRepublic of Guinea’s environmental situation is characterized by the continued degradation of natural resources. Lefa gold mine is one of the Guinean Republic’s gold companies which support the socioeconomic improvement. It operates in the northeastern part of the country and extracts the ore gold by open pit method by using cyanide. The exploitation of the Lefa Gold Mine impacts the ...
Read More2016-1-11 from their traditional agro-based livelihoods. Subsequently, with the introduction of mining projects, the network ties among the mining affected mass is getting disturbed and the traditional base of structural aspect has lost its significance. Results also
Read More2016-9-6 Msc Development Sudies Dissertation 1. SMALL SCALE GOLD MINING AND LIVELIHOODS, A CASE OF GWANDA DISTRICT, ZIMBABWE. By NHLANHLA MLILO N0124877B Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Masters in Development Studies To the Institute of Development Studies At the NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,
Read More2020-1-14 In this study Artisanal Small Scale mining will refer to gold mining activities that are informal and use rudmenatlly technologies in the mineral extraction. Artisanal and Small-Scale mining (ASM) has experienced amassed growth in recent years due to the rising value of mineral prices and the increasing difficulty of earning a living from ...
Read More2015-5-28 Mineral extraction is the most destructive industry to the environment (Chenje 2000), and artisanal small-scale mining (ASM) contributes to this destruction.The definition of ASM varies from country to country (Musingwini Sibanda 1999), depending on variables such as investment costs, mine output, labour productivity, size of concessions, amount of resources, annual sales and levels of ...
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