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Narrow-reef mechanized mining lay out at Anglo American Platinum 8-47 8.9394'8968!9)7689+8.726 The introduction of the latest generation ULP and XLP
Read More2020-2-19 Another highlight of Anglo American Platinum’s just released 2019 report was the revelation that electric narrow reef mechanised equipment is set for trials at its Tumela 15E underground platinum mine, part of the Amandelbult Complex in Limpopo province. These new narrow reef
Read More2009-8-26 the narrow reef miner. The machine was designed and manufactured and surface tests were completed in October 2001. The prototype ARM 1100 was then commissioned at MOXHAM, K.A. A hard rock narrow reef mining machine—ARM 1100. International Platinum Conference ‘Platinum Adding Value’,The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2004.
Read More2006-10-19 LONG HOLE DRILLING APPLIED TO NARROW REEF MINING 199 Objective The purpose of this report is to chronicle the interaction between Anglo Platinum and Sandvik Tamrock during the development and application of Long Hole drilling as a viable, practical method of narrow reef mining. Appendix I identifies the people from Anglo Platinum and Sandvik
Read More2009-8-26 The South African platinum mining industry is using a number of different mining methods, including variations of the same method, to extract the narrow reef tabular platinum deposits of the Bushveld Complex. These mining methods fall into three broad categories, namely
Read More2021-4-28 In the Rustenburg mine the Merensky platinum reef averages about a foot in thickness and reaches two feet only in certain limited areas. This narrow width allows the whole pegmatitic pyroxenite together with a portion of both the hanging wall and
Read More2014-10-31 rock-cutting mining methods. Suitability of platinum orebodies for rock-cutting methods Overall geological conditions Rock-cutting methods would largely be focused on on-reef mining layouts with little or no infrastructure located outside the reef envelopes. The major economic reefs in the BC are the UG2 and Merensky reefs, which are narrow and
Read More2021-3-24 The platinum orebody is a thin, tabular reef covering a vast area. This enables a progressive method of mining which includes the drilling of the reef and blasting it to advance the face. It combines the increased use of industralization and trackless-mining methods in steps. Platinum mining, however, differs from gold mining in different ways.
Read More2021-4-28 There are enough platinum group element deposits in the Bushveld Complex in South Africa to supply world demands for many decades or even a century using current mining techniques. Demonstrated reserves and resources published by mining
Read More2018-8-21 The East Shaft of this fully mechanised low-profile board-and-pillar operation mines a single seam of UG2 Reef at an average of about 1.95m stoping width (in some cases the UG2 Reef can be as narrow as 80cm). The teams in the Central Shaft operate in stoping widths of about 2.2m on average and they mine dual seams of UG2 Main and Leader reefs.
Read MoreAfter successful proof of concept trials in South Africa in 2013, it is now being optimised specifically for platinum mining. 3. Slot Borers. Also under development with Atlas Copco another reef mining innovation is the Slot Borer. Based on proven raise-boring technology but designed to drill narrow vein hard rock ore body of just 1m-1.5m.
Read More2021-3-23 Platinum group metals incorporates, mining, exploration, processing, precious metals. Electric vehicles use both palladium and rhodium, as well as platinum for use in the manufacture of the catalytic converter. Platinum and palladium are used in jewelry manufacture. PGMs are usually mined in deep level, narrow reef mines, where safety is of ...
Read MoreTriple “M” Mining is also proud of our expertise in Trackless and Mechanized Mining method s as well as fleet sourcing and maintenance disciplines. Operational experience in Trackless Development and Board and Pillar Reef extraction is our forte.We proudly manage and maintain our fleet of machinery and place focus on down time elimination ...
Read MoreAt all the mines, Zimplats employs a mechanised room and pillar mining method on a narrow reef to extract ore from stopes whose nominal width is 2.5m. The trackless mechanised machinery consist of low profile single boom face rigs for drilling, low profile roof bolters for support drilling, 10t load and dump (LHDs) and 30t dump trucks which are ...
Read MoreSolution mining includes both borehole mining, such as the methods used to extrac t sodium chloride or sulfur , and leaching, either through drillholes or in dumps or heap s on the surface. 2 ...
Read More2021-4-8 The platinum-group metals, more commonly known as PGMs, are iridium, osmium, palladium, platinum, rhodium, and ruthenium. Platinum group metals incorporates, mining, exploration, processing, precious metals. Electric vehicles use both palladium and rhodium, as well as platinum for use in the manufacture of the catalytic converter. Platinum and palladium are used in jewelry manufacture.
Read More2021-4-29 This is a mining technique which excavates at the surface to extract ore. The mine is open to the surface for the duration of its life. Step 4 (Underground) PLANNING. Mine planning and on-reef development involves establishing tunnels – haulages and cross-cuts – to open up the earth and the stope face so that the gold-bearing reef can be ...
Read MoreContinuous mining possibilities. Optional configurations using the timing initiation system allow for multiple decking; Extended pit boundaries due to no vibration, no fly rock and less dust during blasting operations - prolonged pit lifetime; Reduced fly rock; High precision breaking for dimensional quarries, less wire sawing or downstream cutting
Read MoreIntroduction of the narrow-reef mechanized mining layout. Figure 2 provides a high-level overview of the various applications of the narrow-reef mechanized mining layout using various stoping methods. At present, significant work is being conducted within AAP in partnership with Anglo American in developing non-explosive technologies.
Read MoreAfter successful proof of concept trials in South Africa in 2013, it is now being optimised specifically for platinum mining. 3. Slot Borers. Also under development with Atlas Copco another reef mining innovation is the Slot Borer. Based on proven raise-boring technology but designed to drill narrow vein hard rock ore body of just 1m-1.5m.
Read More2018-8-21 The East Shaft of this fully mechanised low-profile board-and-pillar operation mines a single seam of UG2 Reef at an average of about 1.95m stoping width (in some cases the UG2 Reef can be as narrow as 80cm). The teams in the Central Shaft operate in stoping widths of about 2.2m on average and they mine dual seams of UG2 Main and Leader reefs.
Read More2012-2-7 Western Platinum was the first company to exploit the UG2 on a large scale for its PGM content 17. Metallurgical investigations were undertaken in conjunction with Mintek during 1980. Mining of the UG2 at Western Platinum Mine commenced in 1982, and the
Read More2016-4-8 In a recent interview, IM again spoke to Donovan Waller, Group Head of Technology Development, on the group’s latest progress with a range of important projects with a range of key mining machinery and technology OEMs.While these are difficult times for Anglo American and the whole industry, the learnings from these underground cutting and rapid mine development projects are vital
Read More2004-9-1 Off-reef mechanisation is also touched on. It then looks at different hybridised mining methods that are being used, i.e. a mixture of conventional mining and mechanisation. It finally looks at future prospects for mechanisation in narrow tabular orebodies.
Read MoreMining news and in-depth feature articles on the latest mining company deals and projects covering trends in mineral exploration with up to date data on the most mined metal and mineral commodities
Read More2011-11-2 Lecture 4: Underground Mining 1. Hassan Z. Harraz hharraz2006@yahoo 2010- 2011 This material is intended for use in lectures, presentations and as handouts to students, and is provided in Power point format so as to allow customization for the individual needs of course instructors.
Read More2016-1-9 Surface mining planning and design of open pit mining 1. This material is intended for use in lectures, presentations and as handouts to students, and is provided in Power point format so as to allow customization for the individual needs of course instructors.
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