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Sedimentation rates vary mostly between 20 and 60 m/m.y., which is about twice the rate for pelagic deep-sea calcareous ooze. At these sites, drilled to a maximum depth of 604 m in places, the oldest sediments were recovered.
Read MoreInferred compacted sedimentation rates range from as low as 2–6 m My −1 to as high as 30–33 m My −1. However, there has been limited attention paid to extremely pulsed nature of IF deposition.
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Read MoreExtremely low sediment accumulation rates (~1.8 cm ka−1) are characteristic of the initial phase of organic sedimentation, but they increase rapidly (to 14.2 cm ka−1) after 9 ka BP.
Read Moreof Gdańsk sedimentation rate in the upper layer was about 3.6 mmy–1, and it decreased in the deeper layers to about 1.1 mmy –1 . Sedimentation rates in the open sea area were lower than in the gulf region and the lowest was observed
Read More1978-1-1 Sedimentation rates were calculated by averaging the weight of sediment deposited above the Ambrosia pollen horizon, dated at 1890. The rates are variable ranging from a low of25 g m- 2 yr- 1 (0.1 mm yi 1) to a maximum value of780 g m- 2 yr- 1 (2.0 mmyr- 1).
Read More2019-1-29 representative sedimentary environments. The surficial zloPb activity in the sediments varies between 7 and 23 pCi/g dry wt and its profile in each core shows the expected exponential decrease with depth consistent with the assumption of uniform sedimentation rate over the last
Read More2019-8-2 ABSTRACT: In stratigraphic analysis and simulation, sedimentation rates are typically assumed to be constant for meter-scale sedimenta-tion units of similar lithology. The rates of Holocene, shallow-marine carbonate and associated sediments within an 820 km2 area of Che-tumal Bay in northern Belize were evaluated to test this assumption.
Read Moresedimentation rates across the lakes could be explained by lake trophic state and catchment area. Comparison of 2006 data with results from a sur v ey in 1995 sho w ed that surficial sediment (0–2...
Read More2014-1-1 The rates of accumulation of marine sediments depend on the intensity of the hydrodynamic conditions, the sources of the sediments and the level of biological production in a basin. The accumulation rates obtained here indicate that moderately calm sedimentation conditions prevail in
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Read MoreSedimentation rates and dating of bottom sediments in the Southern Baltic Sea region S107 the dating models, activity concentrations of 210Pb unsup in particular layers of the bottom sediments was used. Two dating models based on changes of activity con-centrations of 210Pb were used: 1)
Read MoreSedimentation rates ranged from 0.4 to 13 m/m.y. and are summarized in Table T15. The upper 50 m at Site 1259A is slumped Oligocene sediments sitting on lower Miocene sediments; this interval was not considered in sedimentation rate calculations.
Read MoreThe sedimentation rate and metal content in trapped sediments were determined at four localities at the Parque Nacional Morrocoy and for a sampling period of 1 year. The sedimentation rate was inversely related to the distance from the main terrestrial sources of sediment and ranged from 44+7 to 281+46 g m-2d -n (mean+SE) for the farthest two localities (11 km apart).
Read MoreThe sedimentation rate curve can be divided into three segments. There are three sedimentation rates that correspond to the first three lithostratigraphic units (see "Sedimentology"). Cores 191-1179C-22H and 23H, which consist of pelagic brown clay, display a slow sedimentation rate of 1.56 m/m.y. for the upper part of Unit III.
Read MoreMade available by U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information ...
Read MoreSEDIMENTATION RATES. Sedimentation rates are derived from the age-depth relationship of sediments recovered at each site drilled during Leg 207. The ages are based on biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic shipboard data. Where biostratigraphic data are used, the main uncertainty arises from the fact that the samples that constrain the ...
Read More2019-1-29 mine the rates of sedimentation in the Great Lakes. Cores from eight locations in Lake Michigan were chosen for examination to cover as wide as possible a range of sedimentation rates and representative sedimentary environments. The surficial zloPb activity in the sediments varies
Read MoreDiagenesis of ferrimagnetic minerals can alter the magnetic properties, erasing partially or entirely the original paleomagnetic and paleoclimatic signals, especially on continental margins where sedimentation rates are usually high. Understanding the mechanisms by which magnetic particles are affected by diagenesis is therefore critical for retrieving paleomagnetic and paleoclimatic ...
Read MoreINTRODUCTION N. SILVERBERG a*, H. V. NGUYEN b, G. DELIBRIAS b, M. KOIDE c, B. SUNDBY b, Y. YOKOYAMA b, R. CHESSELET b a Dept. Océanographie, Université du Québec ...
Read More2021-2-8 The depth-age relationship of core MD05-2908 was well constrained by 17 (14)C dating points. The sediments span across the mid-Holocene (6.8 ka B.P.) and have remarkablely high sedimentation rates between 1.8 and 21-2 m/ka, which is well consistent with the modern observations from sediment traps.
Read MoreThe sedimentation rate curve can be divided into three segments. There are three sedimentation rates that correspond to the first three lithostratigraphic units (see "Sedimentology"). Cores 191-1179C-22H and 23H, which consist of pelagic brown clay, display a slow sedimentation rate of 1.56 m/m.y. for the upper part of Unit III.
Read MoreSedimentation rates and metal content of sediments in a Venezuelan coral reef. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 1999. Carolina Bastidas
Read MoreMUC 9 and MUC 10 reveal sedimentation rates of 8.6 and 12.0 mg cm −2 yr −1 prior to the late 1800s, which is 55 %–75 % of the rates determined for younger sediments using the excess 210 Pb profiles. The slower accumulation rate for hemipelagic sediments also occurred during the
Read More2019-1-29 mine the rates of sedimentation in the Great Lakes. Cores from eight locations in Lake Michigan were chosen for examination to cover as wide as possible a range of sedimentation rates and representative sedimentary environments. The surficial zloPb activity in the sediments varies
Read MoreCiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): Sedimentation rates calculated for Mediterranean deep-sea sediments predating the onset of the salinity crisis range from 2.5 to 9 cm/1000 years. Accumulation rates for the Messinian age evaporites are highly variable and likely to be excessive by more than one order of magnitude (i.e., more than 1 km/m.y.).
Read MoreSedimentation is the tendency for particles in suspension to settle out of the fluid in which they are entrained and come to rest against a barrier. This is due to their motion through the fluid in response to the forces acting on them: these forces can be due to gravity, centrifugal acceleration, or electromagnetism.
Read More2014-12-5 sediments – Concept of activity Steps to estimate sedimentation rates from a vertical profile of lead-210 activity • Application of lead-210 dating to determining sediment accumulation rates on the continental shelf and the interpretation of these rates - LAB Radioactive decay - Basic equation λ - radioactive decay constant is
Read More2008-7-1 These data are applied to test the hypothesis that, in low-angle carbonate ramp systems, ramp geometry is the primary control on sedimentation and progradation rates and, therefore, estimates acquired from other depositional environments cannot be applied to low-angle carbonate ramp systems.
Read MoreFine sediments tend to have greater effects on corals than coarse sediments. Turbidity and sedimentation also reduce the recruitment, survival and settlement of coral larvae. Maximum sedimentation rates that can be tolerated by different corals range from 400 mg cm(-2) d(-1).
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