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2016-6-8 for copper sulphides. Three copper sulphide leaching and refining processes are discussed: total pressure oxidation, ferric sulphate leaching and copper chloride leaching. Ferric sulphate leaching and copper chloride leaching are carried out at atmospheric pressure while total pressure oxidation takes place at elevated pressures.
Read MoreThe leaching of copper sulfide and copper oxide ores entails partial dissolution to cupric sulfate with sulfuric acid and iron sulfate. The presence of pyrites in many ore deposits, and its reaction with water and oxygen to form iron sulfate and sulfuric acid, creates an important source of acid.
Read MoreSulphide ores of copper are insoluble in dilute sulphuric acid leaching solutions, but a very high extraction can be The problem is to convert the sulphide into the oxide form. This can be done by giving the sulphide ore an oxidizing-sulphatizing roast.
Read MoreCopper extraction from primary copper sulfide ore from a typical porphyry copper deposit from Antofagasta, Chile, was investigated after leaching with a chloride-ferrous media at two temperatures.
Read MoreIndustrial scale leaching of copper sulfide minerals like chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2) remains a metallurgical challenge. Chalcopyrite is mined worldwide [ 1 ], given the depths at which mining operations can now be carried out [ 2 ]. Copper sulfide is extracted by flotation, followed by the application of pyrometallurgical methods
Read More2017-12-21 leached copper sulfide ore mainly containing chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) and bornite (Cu5FeS4) as copper sulfide species, with a copper grade of 0.77%. The addition of chloride (20, 50 and 90 kg/t), repose time (7, 20 and 40 d) and repose temperatures (20 and 50C) were the studied pretreatment variables.
Read More2015-6-24 Leaching of an Arsenical Copper Sulfide Concentrate by David Michaud March 17, 2017 June 24, 2015 Categories Cyanide Leaching , Laboratory Procedures , Reagents and Chemicals Tags Cyanide Leaching Post navigation
Read MoreThe aim of this study was to improve the dissolution of copper sulfide ore composed mainly of chalcopyrite (1.21 wt %) and bornite (0.54 wt %) using a pretreatment before
Read More2016-12-1 The leaching behavior of copper sulfides in concentrated cupric chloride solution at 95 °C and at ambient pressure was studied in order to scrutinize the leaching behavior of a single bornite and four different chalcopyrite concentrates obtained from various mines around the world.
Read More2020-9-1 Dissolution of sulfide ores requires oxidative leaching conditions, then ISR can be conducted by applying bacterial leaching, a technology which is established in the copper industry for the treatment of copper sulfide ores in heaps and dumps (Ghorbani et al., 2016; Petersen, 2016). Therefore, the choice of the permeability stimulation approach which defines the leaching circuit, the efficiency of copper
Read More2015-6-24 Leaching of an Arsenical Copper Sulfide Concentrate by David Michaud March 17, 2017 June 24, 2015 Categories Cyanide Leaching , Laboratory Procedures , Reagents and Chemicals Tags Cyanide Leaching Post navigation
Read More2016-10-7 A review of chloride assisted copper sulfide leaching by oxygenated sulfuric acid and mechanistic considerations G. Senanayake* Parker Centre, Faculty of Minerals and Energy, Murdoch University, Perth, WA 6150, Australia Abstract The beneficial effect of chloride on sulfide leaching in sulfuric acid has been widely
Read More2016-8-29 A study on microwave assisted chalcocite leaching was carried out with a microwave hydrothermal reactor. The leaching was conducted with thick mineral slurries (50-100g/l). The leaching media is a mixed solution of CuCl2 and NaCl. The investigation included the effect of leaching temperature, quantities of the minerals per unit slurry volume as well as the initial concentration of
Read More2018-12-6 Copper Leaching, Chlorination, Potassium Chloride, Chalcopyrite 1. Introduction Copper is found in various combinations of Cu, Fe, S, and other elements in na-How to cite this paper: Nyamjargal, L., Batdemberel, G., Burmaa, G. and Burmaa, D. (2018) Effect of Roasting Temperature for Copper Leaching of Sulfide Concentrate by Combined Methods.
Read More1997-9-24 An acid leaching solution is applied to the top of a column apparatus (cylinder) 1 filled with copper sulfide 2. The acid leaching solution flows toward the lower portion of the column apparatus 1 while progressively leaching from the copper sulfide 2, and is received by a receiver 3.
Read More2016-5-16 Nitride leaching of copper-zinc sulfide middlings that are difficult to concentrate is studied with the aim of clarifying and supplementing results obtained previously. It is shown that organization of two-stage countercurrent leaching makes it possible to reduce the concentration of nitrate ions within leaching solution, to increase the degree of nitric acid regeneration, and to increase ...
Read More2020-3-29 A copper sulfide concentrate with a grain size of 0.074 mm (90%) and a copper content of 24.5% obtained by the flotation concentration of ore from the Udokan deposit and ozone with a concentration of 80–180 mg/L in a mixture with oxygen are used for the study. The concentrate is fed into a stirred reactor at a rate of 1–5 mL/s.
Read More2018-12-7 This study was undertaken to develop a cost-effective method of copper leaching in sulfide concentrate involving minerals as chalcopyrite and pyrite. The combined methods involving low temperature roasting of sulfide copper minerals with potassium chlorides without the formation of sulfurous gases and their evolution into the atmosphere is suggested.
Read More2017-5-27 Table 2.4 Copper sulfide leaching reactions (Watlin 2006) ..... 14 Table 2.5 Important gangue leaching reactions in copper heap leaching (Jansen and Taylor 2003)..... 14 Table 2.6 Summary of reaction rate control mechanism..... 16 Table 2.7 Dissolution of various copper minerals in sulfuric acid and sodium cyanide ...
Read More2021-4-30 Bioleaching: Introduction, Methods, Application, Copper, Microorganisms, and Processes! Introduction to Bioleaching: Leaching process was first observed in pumps and pipelines installed in mine pits containing acid water. This process was later on employed for recovering metals from ores containing low quantity of the metal. Presently certain metals from sulfide ores and other ores are ...
Read More2016-8-29 A study on microwave assisted chalcocite leaching was carried out with a microwave hydrothermal reactor. The leaching was conducted with thick mineral slurries (50-100g/l). The leaching media is a mixed solution of CuCl2 and NaCl. The investigation included the effect of leaching temperature, quantities of the minerals per unit slurry volume as well as the initial concentration of
Read MoreCopper extraction from primary copper sulfide ore from a typical porphyry copper deposit from Antofagasta, Chile, was investigated after leaching with a chloride-ferrous media at two temperatures. The study focused on whether this chemical leaching system could be applied at an industrial scale. Leaching tests were conducted in columns loaded with approximately 50 kg of agglomerated ore; the ...
Read More1997-9-24 An acid leaching solution is applied to the top of a column apparatus (cylinder) 1 filled with copper sulfide 2. The acid leaching solution flows toward the lower portion of the column apparatus 1 while progressively leaching from the copper sulfide 2, and is received by a receiver 3.
Read MoreThe beneficial effect of chloride on sulfide leaching in sulfuric acid has been widely reported over the last 3-4 decades but the reasons have not been resolved. A review of recent literature shows that sulfide leaching is complex due to alternative reaction paths, competitive reactions and interim compounds formed on solid surfaces or in solutions.
Read More2018-12-7 This study was undertaken to develop a cost-effective method of copper leaching in sulfide concentrate involving minerals as chalcopyrite and pyrite. The combined methods involving low temperature roasting of sulfide copper minerals with potassium chlorides without the formation of sulfurous gases and their evolution into the atmosphere is suggested.
Read More1985-11-20 tem copper-sulfur can be directly related to uncer-tainties in differentiating natural and synthetic phases. Many of the eight copper sulfide minerals have similar optical properties. The geerite structure can be maintained during synthetic leaching over a compositional range extending frorn geerite Cu1.6S to spionkopite Cur.oS to yarrowite Cu1.1S.
Read More2017-5-27 Table 2.4 Copper sulfide leaching reactions (Watlin 2006) ..... 14 Table 2.5 Important gangue leaching reactions in copper heap leaching (Jansen and Taylor 2003)..... 14 Table 2.6 Summary of reaction rate control mechanism..... 16 Table 2.7 Dissolution of various copper minerals in sulfuric acid and sodium cyanide ...
Read More2021-4-30 Bioleaching: Introduction, Methods, Application, Copper, Microorganisms, and Processes! Introduction to Bioleaching: Leaching process was first observed in pumps and pipelines installed in mine pits containing acid water. This process was later on employed for recovering metals from ores containing low quantity of the metal. Presently certain metals from sulfide ores and other ores are ...
Read More2017-6-26 T he copper mining industry is reaching a turning point. Surface oxide deposits are depleting and copper miners are turning their attention to untapped sulfide ores found deeper underground. However, sulfides require more expensive processing techniques since they are not responsive to standard technologies that are used in oxide heap leaching.
Read More2020-7-1 Leaching bacteria of copper beneficiation Mesophilic Bacteria It can effectively leach chalcocite, covellite and other secondary sulfide ores with optimal growth temperature of 20 ~ 35 ℃. It's the main bacterial species for biological copper leaching. Moderate Thermophilic Bacteria Its optimal growth temperature is 40 ~ 50 ℃.
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